Car Insurance Claims in Florida

When Should You Not Submit A Car Insurance Claim?

While filing car insurance claims can save you plenty of money in the short term, there are times when not filing a claim. Accidents that did not involve another individual or their property may not be worth filing a claim. Another example of a time when you don’t need to file a claim is when no damage or injury has been caused. Although, be sure that you are not misrepresenting your claims which are known as insurance fraud and can cause you to have your policy voided.

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When Should I Put In an Insurance Claim?

You will want to submit a claim for an accident or incident in multiple situations. Filing a claim with your insurance company is extremely important if you need to get back on the road. If another individual is hurt or their property is damaged, then you will want to file a claim. Also, if excessive damage is caused to your car and nobody else was involved it may be worth filing a claim. Although, there are other times when claims do not need to be made and will only increase your insurance price. Insurance creates its prices based on risk factors and when an individual gets into an accident, their prices go up.

Your insurance score plays a huge factor in your auto insurance prices, and filing too many claims will only penalize you in the long run. An insurance score is based on your credit score and your risk factor.

Does Insurance Go Up After a Claim?

Typically, yes. Insurance prices tend to go up after a claim has been filed by you or against you. Insurance companies look at claims as a reason to believe that you may file another claim. For example, somebody who gets into an accident once a year will have a substantially higher insurance price than people who have only been in one or two accidents in total.

Insurance Fact

Car Insurance claims can be complicated. That's why it's important to educate yourself on car insurance claims so that you can be prepared.

Car Insurance Claims in No-Fault State

No-fault states are a bit easier in terms of financial burdens on drivers. Your insurance company is responsible for paying at least a portion of your bills ranging from your vehicle damages to medical bills. Insurance companies are required to do so regardless of fault.

Car Insurance Claims in Fault State

In fault states, the financial responsibility for accidents is pushed onto the at-fault driver. Given, some time’s it is extremely difficult to prove fault because of a multitude of factors. This is why it’s common for police officers to have the final say in who is at fault. It’s important to not immediately admit fault as there are rules and exceptions that may exempt you from being the at-fault driver.

Average Cost Per Year State Minimum Car Insurance Basic Full Car Insurance Full Car Insurance
Florida $835 $1,620 $1,920
Texas $718 $1,565 $1,842
Tennessee $539 $1,354 $1,583

How Long Can You Wait To File an Auto Insurance Claim?

The official deadline for submitting a claim is 4 years after the date of the crash. Though, it is recommended to file your car insurance claim immediately. The official deadline is 4 years. Though, some insurance companies have their own deadlines for submitting claims. It is very important to not lie or submit false documents to your or the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Auto insurance fraud in Florida may result in a fine, probation, and prison sentence.

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